Below is an example of a query to evaluate BigQuery performance project-by-project in terms of the elapsed time of “recent” queries and matching prior jobs. For more details on this query, see the discussion after the query.
Search in the query for “TODO” to find lines where common changes to the query can be made. Script variables can be modified as needed. The common table expressions recent_jobs and jobs can be modified as needed. Choose an appropriate source view: JOBS_BY_USER, JOBS_BY_PROJECT, JOBS_BY_ORGANIZATION, or an archive of one of these. Modify the filters as needed. If you have access to a ASSIGNMENT_CHANGES_BY_PROJECT table, you can uncomment and comment the appropriate lines in the query below.
-- TODO: modify script variables as needed -- End time of "recent" jobs. declare end_recent_timestamp timestamp default current_timestamp ; -- How far back to go for "recent" jobs. declare recent_milliseconds int64 default 2 -- hours * 3600 -- seconds/hour * 1000 -- milliseconds/second ; -- Only include "recent" job if creation_to_end_time_ms is greater than or -- equal to threshold. declare threshold_creation_to_end_time_ms int64 default 5 -- minutes * 60 -- seconds/minute * 1000 -- milliseconds/second ; -- How far back to go for history for "recent" jobs. declare prior_days int64 default 7 ; -- Only include a prior job as part of history for a "recent" job if the -- absolute value of the difference of the metric between the "recent" job and -- the prior job is within the threshold. declare threshold_creation_time_ms int64 default 2 -- hours * 3600 -- seconds/hour * 1000 -- milliseconds/second ; -- Only include a prior job as part of history for a "recent" job if the -- absolute value of the percent difference of the metric between the "recent" -- job and the prior job is within the threshold. declare threshold_total_bytes_processed_pct float64 default 0.10 ; declare start_recent_timestamp timestamp default timestamp_sub( end_recent_timestamp ,interval recent_milliseconds millisecond ) ; declare end_date date default date(end_recent_timestamp) ; declare start_date date default date_sub( end_date ,interval prior_days day ) ; with recent_jobs as ( select j.project_id ,j.job_id ,j.reservation_id ,j.query ,j.statement_type ,character_length(j.query) as query_length ,sha512(j.query) as query_sha512 ,j.destination_table.project_id as destination_project_id ,case when j.destination_table.dataset_id like '_%' and j.destination_table.table_id like 'anon%' then '<hidden>' else j.destination_table.dataset_id end as destination_dataset_id ,case when j.destination_table.dataset_id like '_%' and j.destination_table.table_id like 'anon%' then '<anonymous>' when j.destination_table.table_id like '%$%' then regexp_replace( j.destination_table.table_id ,'$.*' ,'$<partition>' ) else j.destination_table.table_id end as destination_table_id ,j.creation_time ,j.end_time ,coalesce( j.end_time ,current_timestamp ) as end_or_current_time ,j.total_bytes_processed ,j.timeline[ safe_ordinal(array_length(j.timeline)) ].completed_units ,( select sum(js.shuffle_output_bytes) from unnest(j.job_stages) js ) as shuffle_output_bytes ,( select sum(js.shuffle_output_bytes_spilled) from unnest(j.job_stages) js ) as shuffle_output_bytes_spilled ,j.job_stages[ safe_ordinal(array_length(j.job_stages)) ].records_written as final_records_written ,j.total_slot_ms ,timestamp_diff( coalesce( j.end_time ,current_timestamp ) ,j.creation_time ,millisecond ) as creation_to_end_ms -- TODO: comment/uncomment lines as needed to choose jobs source -- from `PROJECT_ID.region-us.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.JOBS_BY_ORGANIZATION` j -- from `PROJECT_ID.region-us.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.JOBS_BY_PROJECT` j -- from `PROJECT_ID.region-us.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.JOBS_BY_USER` j -- from `PROJECT_ID.ARCHIVE_DATASET.JOBS` j -- default to this query's billing project -- from `region-us.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.JOBS_BY_ORGANIZATION` j -- from `region-us.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.JOBS_BY_PROJECT` j from `region-us.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.JOBS_BY_USER` j where j.creation_time between start_recent_timestamp and end_recent_timestamp and j.job_type = 'QUERY' and j.statement_type <> 'SCRIPT' and j.total_slot_ms > 0 and timestamp_diff( coalesce( j.end_time ,current_timestamp ) ,j.creation_time ,millisecond ) >= threshold_creation_to_end_time_ms -- TODO: modify filters as needed -- some optional recent query filters -- and j.project_id like 'pr-%' -- and j.project_id = 'PROJECT_ID' -- and j.job_id = 'JOB_ID' ) ,recent_jobs_ranked as ( select j.project_id ,j.job_id ,j.reservation_id ,j.query ,j.statement_type ,j.query_length ,j.query_sha512 ,struct( j.destination_project_id as project_id ,j.destination_dataset_id as dataset_id ,j.destination_table_id as table_id ) as destination_table ,j.creation_time ,j.end_time ,j.end_or_current_time ,j.total_bytes_processed ,j.completed_units ,j.shuffle_output_bytes ,j.shuffle_output_bytes_spilled ,j.final_records_written ,j.total_slot_ms ,j.creation_to_end_ms ,row_number() over ( partition by j.project_id ,j.statement_type ,character_length(j.query) ,sha512(j.query) ,j.destination_project_id ,j.destination_dataset_id ,j.destination_table_id order by j.creation_to_end_ms desc ) as row_number from recent_jobs j ) ,recent_queries as ( select j.* except ( row_number ) from recent_jobs_ranked j where row_number = 1 ) ,jobs as ( select j.project_id ,j.job_id ,rq.job_id as recent_job_id ,rq.creation_time as recent_creation_time ,rq.reservation_id as recent_reservation_id ,j.query ,j.statement_type ,struct( j.destination_table.project_id ,case when j.destination_table.dataset_id like '_%' and j.destination_table.table_id like 'anon%' then '<hidden>' else j.destination_table.dataset_id end as dataset_id ,case when j.destination_table.dataset_id like '_%' and j.destination_table.table_id like 'anon%' then '<anonymous>' when j.destination_table.table_id like '%$%' then regexp_replace( j.destination_table.table_id ,'$.*' ,'$<partition>' ) else j.destination_table.table_id end as table_id ) as destination_table ,j.creation_time ,j.end_time ,coalesce( j.end_time ,current_timestamp ) as end_or_current_time ,j.total_bytes_processed ,j.timeline[ safe_ordinal(array_length(j.timeline)) ].completed_units ,( select sum(js.shuffle_output_bytes) from unnest(j.job_stages) js ) as shuffle_output_bytes ,( select sum(js.shuffle_output_bytes_spilled) from unnest(j.job_stages) js ) as shuffle_output_bytes_spilled ,j.job_stages[ safe_ordinal(array_length(j.job_stages)) ].records_written as final_records_written ,j.total_slot_ms ,timestamp_diff( coalesce( j.end_time ,current_timestamp ) ,j.creation_time ,millisecond ) as creation_to_end_ms -- TODO: comment/uncomment lines as needed to choose jobs source -- from `PROJECT_ID.region-us.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.JOBS_BY_ORGANIZATION` j -- from `PROJECT_ID.region-us.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.JOBS_BY_PROJECT` j -- from `PROJECT_ID.region-us.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.JOBS_BY_USER` j -- from `PROJECT_ID.ARCHIVE_DATASET.JOBS` j -- default to this query's billing project -- from `region-us.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.JOBS_BY_ORGANIZATION` j -- from `region-us.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.JOBS_BY_PROJECT` j from `region-us.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.JOBS_BY_USER` j join recent_queries rq on rq.project_id = j.project_id and rq.statement_type = j.statement_type and rq.query_length = character_length(j.query) and rq.query_sha512 = sha512(j.query) and rq.destination_table.project_id = j.destination_table.project_id and rq.destination_table.dataset_id = case when j.destination_table.dataset_id like '_%' and j.destination_table.table_id like 'anon%' then '<hidden>' else j.destination_table.dataset_id end and rq.destination_table.table_id = case when j.destination_table.dataset_id like '_%' and j.destination_table.table_id like 'anon%' then '<anonymous>' when j.destination_table.table_id like '%$%' then regexp_replace( j.destination_table.table_id ,'$.*' ,'$<partition>' ) else j.destination_table.table_id end and abs( time_diff( time(rq.creation_time) ,time(j.creation_time) ,millisecond ) ) <= threshold_creation_time_ms and ( abs( safe_divide( j.total_bytes_processed - rq.total_bytes_processed ,rq.total_bytes_processed ) ) <= threshold_total_bytes_processed_pct or rq.total_bytes_processed is null ) where date(j.creation_time) between start_date and end_date and j.creation_time <= end_recent_timestamp and j.job_type = 'QUERY' and j.statement_type <> 'SCRIPT' and j.total_slot_ms > 0 ) ,queries as ( select j.project_id ,j.query ,j.statement_type ,character_length(j.query) as query_length ,sha512(j.query) as query_hash ,struct( j.destination_table.project_id ,j.destination_table.dataset_id ,j.destination_table.table_id ) destination_table ,max( j.recent_job_id ) as recent_job_id ,max( j.recent_creation_time ) as recent_creation_time ,max( j.recent_reservation_id ) as recent_reservation_id ,max( case when j.job_id = j.recent_job_id then j.total_bytes_processed end ) as recent_total_bytes_processed ,max( case when j.job_id = j.recent_job_id then j.completed_units end ) as recent_completed_units ,max( case when j.job_id = j.recent_job_id then j.shuffle_output_bytes end ) as recent_shuffle_output_bytes ,max( case when j.job_id = j.recent_job_id then j.shuffle_output_bytes_spilled end ) as recent_shuffle_output_bytes_spilled ,max( case when j.job_id = j.recent_job_id then j.final_records_written end ) as recent_final_records_written ,max( case when j.job_id = j.recent_job_id then j.total_slot_ms end ) as recent_total_slot_ms ,max( case when j.job_id = j.recent_job_id then j.creation_to_end_ms end ) as recent_creation_to_end_ms ,count(distinct date(j.creation_time)) as date_count ,count(*) as job_count ,count( case when j.creation_time between start_recent_timestamp and end_recent_timestamp then 1 end ) as recent_job_count ,sum(j.total_bytes_processed) as total_bytes_processed ,sum(j.completed_units) as completed_units ,sum(j.shuffle_output_bytes) as shuffle_output_bytes ,sum(j.shuffle_output_bytes_spilled) as shuffle_output_bytes_spilled ,sum(j.final_records_written) as final_records_written ,sum(j.total_slot_ms) as total_slot_ms ,sum(j.creation_to_end_ms) as creation_to_end_ms ,max(j.creation_to_end_ms) as max_creation_to_end_ms from jobs j group by j.project_id ,j.query ,j.statement_type ,j.destination_table.project_id ,j.destination_table.dataset_id ,j.destination_table.table_id having job_count > 1 ) ,queries_diffs as ( select q.project_id ,q.recent_job_id ,q.recent_creation_time ,q.recent_reservation_id ,q.date_count ,q.job_count ,q.recent_total_bytes_processed ,safe_divide( q.recent_total_bytes_processed - q.total_bytes_processed / q.job_count ,q.total_bytes_processed / q.job_count ) as diff_total_bytes_processed_pct ,q.recent_completed_units ,safe_divide( q.recent_completed_units - q.completed_units / q.job_count ,q.completed_units / q.job_count ) as diff_completed_units_pct ,q.recent_shuffle_output_bytes ,safe_divide( q.recent_shuffle_output_bytes - q.shuffle_output_bytes / q.job_count ,q.shuffle_output_bytes / q.job_count ) as diff_shuffle_output_bytes_pct ,q.recent_shuffle_output_bytes_spilled ,safe_divide( q.recent_shuffle_output_bytes_spilled - q.shuffle_output_bytes_spilled / q.job_count ,q.shuffle_output_bytes_spilled / q.job_count ) as diff_shuffle_output_bytes_spilled_pct ,q.recent_final_records_written ,safe_divide( q.recent_final_records_written - q.final_records_written / q.job_count ,q.final_records_written / q.job_count ) as diff_final_records_written_pct ,q.recent_total_slot_ms ,safe_divide( q.recent_total_slot_ms - q.total_slot_ms / q.job_count ,q.total_slot_ms / q.job_count ) as diff_total_slot_ms_pct ,q.recent_creation_to_end_ms ,q.recent_creation_to_end_ms - cast(q.creation_to_end_ms / q.job_count as int64) as diff_creation_to_end_ms ,safe_divide( q.recent_creation_to_end_ms - q.creation_to_end_ms / q.job_count ,q.creation_to_end_ms / q.job_count ) as diff_creation_to_end_ms_pct from queries q ) ,queries_bucketed as ( select q.project_id ,countif( diff_creation_to_end_ms < 1 -- seconds * 1000 -- milliseconds/second ) as diff_creation_to_end_0s_to_1s_query_count ,countif( diff_creation_to_end_ms >= 1 -- seconds * 1000 -- milliseconds/second and diff_creation_to_end_ms < 10 -- seconds * 1000 -- milliseconds/second ) as diff_creation_to_end_1s_to_10s_query_count ,countif( diff_creation_to_end_ms >= 10 -- seconds * 1000 -- milliseconds/second and diff_creation_to_end_ms < 1 -- minutes * 60 -- seconds/minute * 1000 -- milliseconds/second ) as diff_creation_to_end_10s_to_1m_query_count ,countif( diff_creation_to_end_ms >= 1 -- minutes * 60 -- seconds/minute * 1000 -- milliseconds/second and diff_creation_to_end_ms < 5 -- minutes * 60 -- seconds/minute * 1000 -- milliseconds/second ) as diff_creation_to_end_1m_to_5m_query_count ,countif( diff_creation_to_end_ms >= 5 -- minutes * 60 -- seconds/minute * 1000 -- milliseconds/second and diff_creation_to_end_ms < 15 -- minutes * 60 -- seconds/minute * 1000 -- milliseconds/second ) as diff_creation_to_end_5m_to_15m_query_count ,countif( diff_creation_to_end_ms >= 15 -- minutes * 60 -- seconds/minute * 1000 -- milliseconds/second and diff_creation_to_end_ms < 30 -- minutes * 60 -- seconds/minute * 1000 -- milliseconds/second ) as diff_creation_to_end_15m_to_30m_query_count ,countif( diff_creation_to_end_ms >= 30 -- minutes * 60 -- seconds/minute * 1000 -- milliseconds/second ) as diff_creation_to_end_30m_to_inf_query_count from queries_diffs q group by q.project_id ) ,queries_ranked as ( select q.* ,row_number() over ( partition by q.project_id order by q.diff_creation_to_end_ms desc ) as row_number from queries_diffs q ) -- TODO: uncomment lines if have access to ASSIGNMENT_CHANGES_BY_PROJECT -- ,assignments_history_stage as -- ( -- select -- ac.change_timestamp as start_time -- ,coalesce( -- timestamp_add( -- lead(ac.change_timestamp) over ( -- partition by -- ac.project_id -- ,ac.assignment_id -- order by -- ac.change_timestamp -- ) -- ,interval -1 microsecond -- ) -- ,'9999-12-31 23:59:59.999999' -- ) as end_time -- ,ac.action -- ,ac.project_id -- ,ac.reservation_name -- ,ac.assignee_type -- ,ac.assignee_id -- -- TODO: modify source as needed -- from `ADMIN_PROJECT.region-us.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ASSIGNMENT_CHANGES_BY_PROJECT` ac -- ) -- ,assignments_history as -- ( -- select -- ahs.* except( -- action -- ) -- from assignments_history_stage ahs -- where -- ahs.action <> 'DELETE' -- ) select q.project_id -- TODO: comment line and uncomment lines if have access to ASSIGNMENT_CHANGES_BY_PROJECT ,q.recent_reservation_id -- ,coalesce( -- q.recent_reservation_id -- ,concat( -- ahp.project_id -- ,':US.' -- ,ahp.reservation_name -- ) -- /* need to add logic for handling folder assignments... */ -- ,concat( -- aho.project_id -- ,':US.' -- ,aho.reservation_name -- ) -- ) as recent_reservation_id ,qb.diff_creation_to_end_0s_to_1s_query_count ,qb.diff_creation_to_end_1s_to_10s_query_count ,qb.diff_creation_to_end_10s_to_1m_query_count ,qb.diff_creation_to_end_1m_to_5m_query_count ,qb.diff_creation_to_end_5m_to_15m_query_count ,qb.diff_creation_to_end_15m_to_30m_query_count ,qb.diff_creation_to_end_30m_to_inf_query_count ,q.recent_job_id ,q.date_count ,q.job_count ,q.recent_total_bytes_processed ,q.diff_total_bytes_processed_pct ,q.recent_completed_units ,q.diff_completed_units_pct ,q.recent_shuffle_output_bytes ,q.diff_shuffle_output_bytes_pct ,q.recent_shuffle_output_bytes_spilled ,q.diff_shuffle_output_bytes_spilled_pct ,q.recent_final_records_written ,q.diff_final_records_written_pct ,q.recent_total_slot_ms ,q.diff_total_slot_ms_pct ,q.recent_creation_to_end_ms ,q.diff_creation_to_end_ms ,q.diff_creation_to_end_ms_pct from queries_ranked q join queries_bucketed qb on qb.project_id = q.project_id -- TODO: uncomment lines if have access to ASSIGNMENT_CHANGES_BY_PROJECT -- left join assignments_history ahp -- on -- ahp.assignee_id = q.project_id -- and q.recent_creation_time between ahp.start_time and ahp.end_time -- and ahp.assignee_type = 'PROJECT' -- left join assignments_history aho -- on -- q.recent_creation_time between aho.start_time and aho.end_time -- and aho.assignee_type = 'ORGANIZATION' where q.row_number = 1 order by q.diff_creation_to_end_ms desc ;
The query as written targets region-us.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.JOBS_BY_ORGANIZATION in two places. But this can be modified to target JOBS_BY_PROJECT or JOBS_BY_USER or an archive. Under comment “some optional recent query filters”, there are some commented out examples of filters on “recent” queries. Finally, there are several script variables that can be modified at the top of the script:
End time of “recent” jobs.
How far back to go for “recent” jobs.
Only include “recent” job if metric is greater than or equal to the threshold.
How far back to go for history for “recent” jobs.
Only include a prior job as part of history for a “recent” job if the absolute value of the difference of the metric between the “recent” job and the prior job is within the threshold.
Only include a prior job as part of history for a “recent” job if the absolute value of the percent difference of the metric between the “recent” job and the prior job is within threshold.
The query finds “recent” jobs with job_type equal to 'QUERY'
statement_type not equal to
, total_slot_ms greater than
, and the difference between end_time (or, if null
current_timestamp) and creation_time greater than or equal to
The query ranks “recent” jobs for each “distinct recent query” (determined by project_id, statement_type, query_length, query_sha512, and destination_table) by creation_to_end_ms descending. Only the top ranking job for each “distinct recent query” is kept.
For each “distinct recent query”, the query finds prior matching jobs subject to the conditions below. Statistics are generated for each “distinct recent query” based on the matching prior jobs.
creation_time between
creation_time less than
or equal to end_recent_timestamp
total_slot_ms greater
than 0
matching project_id
matching statement_type
matching query_length
matching query_sha512
matching destination_table
the absolute value of the difference between
“distinct recent query” and job time(creation_time)
is within
threshold threshold_creation_time_ms
the absolute value of the percent difference between
“distinct recent query” and job total_bytes_processed is within threshold
The final result shows statistics per project. There are fields with a count of “recent” queries with given differences between “recent” query and average matching job elapsed time. E.g., diff_creation_to_end_30m_to_inf_query_count gives the count of “recent” queries where the difference between the “recent” query and the average matching job elapsed time is greater than or equal to 30 minutes. The per-project worst-case “recent” job is identified based on the difference between the “recent” query and average matching job elapsed time. recent_job_id corresponds to this worst-case “recent” job. And all the following metrics are related to it and the matching prior jobs. E.g., recent_creation_to_end_ms is the worst-case “recent” job creation_to_end_ms --- number of milliseconds between creation_time and end_time. diff_creation_to_end_ms is the difference between the worse-case “recent” job and average matching job creation_to_end_ms. diff_creation_to_end_ms_pct is the related percent difference.
The query below is similar to the one above with only a few
differences. A number_of_top_queries
variable is provided to limit the number of top “recent”
queries to show per project. And the final result only shows
information about those top “recent” queries.
-- TODO: modify script variables as needed -- End time of "recent" jobs. declare end_recent_timestamp timestamp default current_timestamp ; -- How far back to go for "recent" jobs. declare recent_milliseconds int64 default 2 -- hours * 3600 -- seconds/hour * 1000 -- milliseconds/second ; -- Only include "recent" job if creation_to_end_time_ms is greater than or -- equal to threshold. declare threshold_creation_to_end_time_ms int64 default 5 -- minutes * 60 -- seconds/minute * 1000 -- milliseconds/second ; -- How far back to go for history for "recent" jobs. declare prior_days int64 default 7 ; -- Only include a prior job as part of history for a "recent" job if the -- absolute value of the difference of the metric between the "recent" job and -- the prior job is within the threshold. declare threshold_creation_time_ms int64 default 2 -- hours * 3600 -- seconds/hour * 1000 -- milliseconds/second ; -- Only include a prior job as part of history for a "recent" job if the -- absolute value of the percent difference of the metric between the "recent" -- job and the prior job is within the threshold. declare threshold_total_bytes_processed_pct float64 default 0.10 ; -- number of top queries to display per project declare number_of_top_queries int64 default 10 ; declare start_recent_timestamp timestamp default timestamp_sub( end_recent_timestamp ,interval recent_milliseconds millisecond ) ; declare end_date date default date(end_recent_timestamp) ; declare start_date date default date_sub( end_date ,interval prior_days day ) ; with recent_jobs as ( select j.project_id ,j.job_id ,j.reservation_id ,j.query ,j.statement_type ,character_length(j.query) as query_length ,sha512(j.query) as query_sha512 ,j.destination_table.project_id as destination_project_id ,case when j.destination_table.dataset_id like '_%' and j.destination_table.table_id like 'anon%' then '<hidden>' else j.destination_table.dataset_id end as destination_dataset_id ,case when j.destination_table.dataset_id like '_%' and j.destination_table.table_id like 'anon%' then '<anonymous>' when j.destination_table.table_id like '%$%' then regexp_replace( j.destination_table.table_id ,'$.*' ,'$<partition>' ) else j.destination_table.table_id end as destination_table_id ,j.creation_time ,j.end_time ,coalesce( j.end_time ,current_timestamp ) as end_or_current_time ,j.total_bytes_processed ,j.timeline[ safe_ordinal(array_length(j.timeline)) ].completed_units ,( select sum(js.shuffle_output_bytes) from unnest(j.job_stages) js ) as shuffle_output_bytes ,( select sum(js.shuffle_output_bytes_spilled) from unnest(j.job_stages) js ) as shuffle_output_bytes_spilled ,j.job_stages[ safe_ordinal(array_length(j.job_stages)) ].records_written as final_records_written ,j.total_slot_ms ,timestamp_diff( coalesce( j.end_time ,current_timestamp ) ,j.creation_time ,millisecond ) as creation_to_end_ms -- TODO: comment/uncomment lines as needed to choose jobs source -- from `PROJECT_ID.region-us.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.JOBS_BY_ORGANIZATION` j -- from `PROJECT_ID.region-us.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.JOBS_BY_PROJECT` j -- from `PROJECT_ID.region-us.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.JOBS_BY_USER` j -- from `PROJECT_ID.ARCHIVE_DATASET.JOBS` j -- default to this query's billing project -- from `region-us.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.JOBS_BY_ORGANIZATION` j -- from `region-us.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.JOBS_BY_PROJECT` j from `region-us.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.JOBS_BY_USER` j where j.creation_time between start_recent_timestamp and end_recent_timestamp and j.job_type = 'QUERY' and j.statement_type <> 'SCRIPT' and j.total_slot_ms > 0 and timestamp_diff( coalesce( j.end_time ,current_timestamp ) ,j.creation_time ,millisecond ) >= threshold_creation_to_end_time_ms -- TODO: modify filters as needed -- some optional recent query filters -- and j.project_id like 'pr-%' -- and j.project_id = 'PROJECT_ID' -- and j.job_id = 'JOB_ID' ) ,recent_jobs_ranked as ( select j.project_id ,j.job_id ,j.reservation_id ,j.query ,j.statement_type ,j.query_length ,j.query_sha512 ,struct( j.destination_project_id as project_id ,j.destination_dataset_id as dataset_id ,j.destination_table_id as table_id ) as destination_table ,j.creation_time ,j.end_time ,j.end_or_current_time ,j.total_bytes_processed ,j.completed_units ,j.shuffle_output_bytes ,j.shuffle_output_bytes_spilled ,j.final_records_written ,j.total_slot_ms ,j.creation_to_end_ms ,row_number() over ( partition by j.project_id ,j.statement_type ,character_length(j.query) ,sha512(j.query) ,j.destination_project_id ,j.destination_dataset_id ,j.destination_table_id order by j.creation_to_end_ms desc ) as row_number from recent_jobs j ) ,recent_queries as ( select j.* except ( row_number ) from recent_jobs_ranked j where row_number = 1 ) ,jobs as ( select j.project_id ,j.job_id ,rq.job_id as recent_job_id ,rq.creation_time as recent_creation_time ,rq.reservation_id as recent_reservation_id ,j.query ,j.statement_type ,struct( j.destination_table.project_id ,case when j.destination_table.dataset_id like '_%' and j.destination_table.table_id like 'anon%' then '<hidden>' else j.destination_table.dataset_id end as dataset_id ,case when j.destination_table.dataset_id like '_%' and j.destination_table.table_id like 'anon%' then '<anonymous>' when j.destination_table.table_id like '%$%' then regexp_replace( j.destination_table.table_id ,'$.*' ,'$<partition>' ) else j.destination_table.table_id end as table_id ) as destination_table ,j.creation_time ,j.end_time ,coalesce( j.end_time ,current_timestamp ) as end_or_current_time ,j.total_bytes_processed ,j.timeline[ safe_ordinal(array_length(j.timeline)) ].completed_units ,( select sum(js.shuffle_output_bytes) from unnest(j.job_stages) js ) as shuffle_output_bytes ,( select sum(js.shuffle_output_bytes_spilled) from unnest(j.job_stages) js ) as shuffle_output_bytes_spilled ,j.job_stages[ safe_ordinal(array_length(j.job_stages)) ].records_written as final_records_written ,j.total_slot_ms ,timestamp_diff( coalesce( j.end_time ,current_timestamp ) ,j.creation_time ,millisecond ) as creation_to_end_ms -- TODO: comment/uncomment lines as needed to choose jobs source -- from `PROJECT_ID.region-us.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.JOBS_BY_ORGANIZATION` j -- from `PROJECT_ID.region-us.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.JOBS_BY_PROJECT` j -- from `PROJECT_ID.region-us.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.JOBS_BY_USER` j -- from `PROJECT_ID.ARCHIVE_DATASET.JOBS` j -- default to this query's billing project -- from `region-us.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.JOBS_BY_ORGANIZATION` j -- from `region-us.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.JOBS_BY_PROJECT` j from `region-us.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.JOBS_BY_USER` j join recent_queries rq on rq.project_id = j.project_id and rq.statement_type = j.statement_type and rq.query_length = character_length(j.query) and rq.query_sha512 = sha512(j.query) and rq.destination_table.project_id = j.destination_table.project_id and rq.destination_table.dataset_id = case when j.destination_table.dataset_id like '_%' and j.destination_table.table_id like 'anon%' then '<hidden>' else j.destination_table.dataset_id end and rq.destination_table.table_id = case when j.destination_table.dataset_id like '_%' and j.destination_table.table_id like 'anon%' then '<anonymous>' when j.destination_table.table_id like '%$%' then regexp_replace( j.destination_table.table_id ,'$.*' ,'$<partition>' ) else j.destination_table.table_id end and abs( time_diff( time(rq.creation_time) ,time(j.creation_time) ,millisecond ) ) <= threshold_creation_time_ms and ( abs( safe_divide( j.total_bytes_processed - rq.total_bytes_processed ,rq.total_bytes_processed ) ) <= threshold_total_bytes_processed_pct or rq.total_bytes_processed is null ) where date(j.creation_time) between start_date and end_date and j.creation_time <= end_recent_timestamp and j.job_type = 'QUERY' and j.statement_type <> 'SCRIPT' and j.total_slot_ms > 0 ) ,queries as ( select j.project_id ,j.query ,j.statement_type ,character_length(j.query) as query_length ,sha512(j.query) as query_hash ,struct( j.destination_table.project_id ,j.destination_table.dataset_id ,j.destination_table.table_id ) destination_table ,max( j.recent_job_id ) as recent_job_id ,max( j.recent_creation_time ) as recent_creation_time ,max( j.recent_reservation_id ) as recent_reservation_id ,max( case when j.job_id = j.recent_job_id then j.total_bytes_processed end ) as recent_total_bytes_processed ,max( case when j.job_id = j.recent_job_id then j.completed_units end ) as recent_completed_units ,max( case when j.job_id = j.recent_job_id then j.shuffle_output_bytes end ) as recent_shuffle_output_bytes ,max( case when j.job_id = j.recent_job_id then j.shuffle_output_bytes_spilled end ) as recent_shuffle_output_bytes_spilled ,max( case when j.job_id = j.recent_job_id then j.final_records_written end ) as recent_final_records_written ,max( case when j.job_id = j.recent_job_id then j.total_slot_ms end ) as recent_total_slot_ms ,max( case when j.job_id = j.recent_job_id then j.creation_to_end_ms end ) as recent_creation_to_end_ms ,count(distinct date(j.creation_time)) as date_count ,count(*) as job_count ,count( case when j.creation_time between start_recent_timestamp and end_recent_timestamp then 1 end ) as recent_job_count ,sum(j.total_bytes_processed) as total_bytes_processed ,sum(j.completed_units) as completed_units ,sum(j.shuffle_output_bytes) as shuffle_output_bytes ,sum(j.shuffle_output_bytes_spilled) as shuffle_output_bytes_spilled ,sum(j.final_records_written) as final_records_written ,sum(j.total_slot_ms) as total_slot_ms ,sum(j.creation_to_end_ms) as creation_to_end_ms ,max(j.creation_to_end_ms) as max_creation_to_end_ms from jobs j group by j.project_id ,j.query ,j.statement_type ,j.destination_table.project_id ,j.destination_table.dataset_id ,j.destination_table.table_id having job_count > 1 ) ,queries_diffs as ( select q.project_id ,q.recent_job_id ,q.recent_creation_time ,q.recent_reservation_id ,q.date_count ,q.job_count ,q.recent_total_bytes_processed ,safe_divide( q.recent_total_bytes_processed - q.total_bytes_processed / q.job_count ,q.total_bytes_processed / q.job_count ) as diff_total_bytes_processed_pct ,q.recent_completed_units ,safe_divide( q.recent_completed_units - q.completed_units / q.job_count ,q.completed_units / q.job_count ) as diff_completed_units_pct ,q.recent_shuffle_output_bytes ,safe_divide( q.recent_shuffle_output_bytes - q.shuffle_output_bytes / q.job_count ,q.shuffle_output_bytes / q.job_count ) as diff_shuffle_output_bytes_pct ,q.recent_shuffle_output_bytes_spilled ,safe_divide( q.recent_shuffle_output_bytes_spilled - q.shuffle_output_bytes_spilled / q.job_count ,q.shuffle_output_bytes_spilled / q.job_count ) as diff_shuffle_output_bytes_spilled_pct ,q.recent_final_records_written ,safe_divide( q.recent_final_records_written - q.final_records_written / q.job_count ,q.final_records_written / q.job_count ) as diff_final_records_written_pct ,q.recent_total_slot_ms ,safe_divide( q.recent_total_slot_ms - q.total_slot_ms / q.job_count ,q.total_slot_ms / q.job_count ) as diff_total_slot_ms_pct ,q.recent_creation_to_end_ms ,q.recent_creation_to_end_ms - cast(q.creation_to_end_ms / q.job_count as int64) as diff_creation_to_end_ms ,safe_divide( q.recent_creation_to_end_ms - q.creation_to_end_ms / q.job_count ,q.creation_to_end_ms / q.job_count ) as diff_creation_to_end_ms_pct from queries q ) ,queries_ranked as ( select q.* ,row_number() over ( partition by q.project_id order by q.diff_creation_to_end_ms desc ) as row_number from queries_diffs q ) -- TODO: uncomment lines if have access to ASSIGNMENT_CHANGES_BY_PROJECT -- ,assignments_history_stage as -- ( -- select -- ac.change_timestamp as start_time -- ,coalesce( -- timestamp_add( -- lead(ac.change_timestamp) over ( -- partition by -- ac.project_id -- ,ac.assignment_id -- order by -- ac.change_timestamp -- ) -- ,interval -1 microsecond -- ) -- ,'9999-12-31 23:59:59.999999' -- ) as end_time -- ,ac.action -- ,ac.project_id -- ,ac.reservation_name -- ,ac.assignee_type -- ,ac.assignee_id -- -- TODO: modify source as needed -- from `ADMIN_PROJECT.region-us.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ASSIGNMENT_CHANGES_BY_PROJECT` ac -- ) -- ,assignments_history as -- ( -- select -- ahs.* except( -- action -- ) -- from assignments_history_stage ahs -- where -- ahs.action <> 'DELETE' -- ) select q.project_id -- TODO: comment line and uncomment lines if have access to ASSIGNMENT_CHANGES_BY_PROJECT ,q.recent_reservation_id -- ,coalesce( -- q.recent_reservation_id -- ,concat( -- ahp.project_id -- ,':US.' -- ,ahp.reservation_name -- ) -- /* need to add logic for handling folder assignments... */ -- ,concat( -- aho.project_id -- ,':US.' -- ,aho.reservation_name -- ) -- ) as recent_reservation_id ,q.recent_job_id ,q.date_count ,q.job_count ,q.recent_total_bytes_processed ,q.diff_total_bytes_processed_pct ,q.recent_completed_units ,q.diff_completed_units_pct ,q.recent_shuffle_output_bytes ,q.diff_shuffle_output_bytes_pct ,q.recent_shuffle_output_bytes_spilled ,q.diff_shuffle_output_bytes_spilled_pct ,q.recent_final_records_written ,q.diff_final_records_written_pct ,q.recent_total_slot_ms ,q.diff_total_slot_ms_pct ,q.recent_creation_to_end_ms ,q.diff_creation_to_end_ms ,q.diff_creation_to_end_ms_pct from queries_ranked q -- TODO: uncomment lines if have access to ASSIGNMENT_CHANGES_BY_PROJECT -- left join assignments_history ahp -- on -- ahp.assignee_id = q.project_id -- and q.recent_creation_time between ahp.start_time and ahp.end_time -- and ahp.assignee_type = 'PROJECT' -- left join assignments_history aho -- on -- q.recent_creation_time between aho.start_time and aho.end_time -- and aho.assignee_type = 'ORGANIZATION' where q.row_number <= number_of_top_queries order by q.project_id ,q.diff_creation_to_end_ms desc ;
The queries above could be modified if a few ways.
As it is, the queries match prior jobs to recent queries primarily through query text. It is possible to match based on modified query text; e.g., removing comments and literals. Alternatively, if there is something else to use to match queries (e.g., common job IDs or job labels), that could be used for matching.