rateLimitExceeded - too many concurrent queries

In the context of query jobs, a query job will fail with this error reason and error message if the job's billing project exceeds the concurrent rate limit for interactive queries. Refer to Google documentation at https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/quotas#query_jobs.

To see a list of query jobs with this error, start with the query at Section 6.2, “Query Jobs”. Add the filters below to common table expression jobs_selected. Modify the query further as needed.

and j.error_result.reason = 'rateLimitExceeded'
and j.error_result.message like '%too many concurrent queries%'

To see a list of in-flight query jobs at a given time, start with the query at Section 6.6, “List In-Flight Query Jobs at a Given Time”. Modify the query as needed.

Below are some things to look for.

Below are some possible solutions.