3. Query Syntax

The general form of an ldapsearch command is given below.

ldapsearch \
    [options...] \
    [filter] \

Some common options are listed below.

The general form of a simple filter is given below. If no filter is provided, the default filter, ( objectClass=* ), is used. Filters are described in RFC 2254. Syntaxes and matching rules are described in RFC 4517.

( attribute filterOperator value )

filterOperators are listed below.

String matching may be case-sensitive or case-insensitive, depending on the matching rule for the attribute.

In general, value may include one or more asterisks (*) wildcard characters. And in an equality match, each asterisk matches zero or more characters. However, wildcards are not permitted in filters on attributes containing distinguished names.

For example, the following filter will match any entry with an attribute sn (surname) that matches any list of characters ending in oe.

( sn=*oe )

The characters below cannot be included literally in value. But they and any character can be included using a backslash and the character's two ASCII hexadecimal digits. E.g., NUL()*\ would be represented as \00\28\29\2a\5c.

Some LDAP products support extensible filters. Microsoft Active Directory supports a limited subset of functionality. The two general forms of an extensible filter are given below. If an OID of a matchingrule is not provided, then an attribute must be provided and its default equality matching rule is used. If an attribute is not provided, then all attributes in the entry are tested and an OID of a matchingrule must be provided. If :dn is included, then attributes of an entry's distinguished name are included when testing.

( attribute [":dn"] [":" matchingrule] ":=" value )
( [":dn"] ":" matchingrule ":=" value )

Below is a filter that will match entries where attribute c (country) is in the distinguished name and the value is us (or any variant regardless of case). This match will occur whether or not the entry contains an indepedent attribte c.

( c:dn:=us )

Two or more filters can be combined using one or more Boolean operators listed below with a prefix notation syntax. So, open parenthesis; Boolean operator; one, two, or more filters as needed; closed parenthesis.

Some examples are listed below.

The final set of arguments to the ldapsearch command are the set of attributes to display for matching entries. The dn distinguished name attribute is always displayed. There are two basic types of attributes: user and operational. User attributes are normal attributes and are identified by the attribute usage being set to userApplications. Operational attributes are used internally by the server and are identified by the attribute usage being set to directoryOperation, distributedOperation, or dSAOperation. A summary of attribute argument cases is below.